What Are We Running From?

I’m addicted to being busy. I always have ten projects on the go, a full massage practice, two young kids, and my regular classes. I hate the constant rushing and the exhaustion that comes with it, yet I can’t seem to stop. What am I running from?

Maybe it’s the dopamine hit I get from crossing things off my to-do list, or maybe being busy keeps me from sitting with uncomfortable feelings. Probably, it’s a mix of both.

Yoga, at its heart, is the art of slowing down. Perhaps that’s why I’ve practiced and taught it for so many years—I need it desperately. We all do. In a culture that equates productivity with worth and praises constant doing, yoga is a radical act of rebellion.

Savasana, the simple practice of lying still, is the antidote. It’s the profound act of not producing or consuming anything. I like to say, a savasana a day keeps the doctor away. Yet, I resist it too, squeezing every last drop of productivity from the day and collapsing on the couch at night. Can you relate?

Here’s the truth: Rest might actually be the most productive thing you do today. So, let’s practice together.

Roll out your mat. Lie down with cushions under your knees and head. Cover your eyes and body, and set a timer for 20 minutes. Let this be a gift—for yourself and the world together at the same time. 


Why We Really Practice: Finding Grace in Everyday Life


Embracing 'Good Enough': A Recovering Perfectionist's Journey